hosted by:

kerry mcavoy phd narcissistic abuse expert
Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Lisa Sonni

Are You Co-parenting With a Narcissist? PROTECT Yourself & Your Children from Your Narcissistic Ex’s Post-Separation Physical, Emotional, Or Legal Attacks

 By Learning How to Combat the Strategies They’re Currently Using Against You. Break Their Efforts to Control You, So You Can Finally Move On With Your Life In Peace…

Without having to worry about you or your child’s safety & Without feeling lost or alone afterwards

I’m sure this isn’t a big surprise but…

Narcissistic partners don’t really like the idea of you leaving them behind.

Throughout your relationship they’ve spent countless hours, days & nights trying to manipulate you into thinking it’s impossible for you to live without them or their input.

Because they know that if they manage to achieve that kind of control over you, they’ll be able to continue to make your life miserable.

That’s why they use every single weapon in their arsenal to try and bring you down, discourage you, and exhaust you.

And they don’t care if those tactics are dirty or unfair… Even if it involves your child(ren).

They’re completely fine with threatening you or using crocodile tears to gain your sympathy.

Because once you give in or give up, they know they’ve won! 

...Of course it isn't!

But you must remember this…

It doesn’t matter how sweet their words are or how terrifying their threats are…

Because at the end of the day their objective is to hurt you, strip you from your power & destroy your confidence.

After all, narcissistic abusers aren’t looking for a partner – They’re looking for someone to hurt.

Because the truth is that your ex doesn’t actually hold any power over you – And they know that.

Plus, there’s no reason to be afraid.

Do you want to halt the co-parenting physical, emotional or legal post-separation abuse?

Do you want to learn how to stop your ex’s intrusiveness and manipulations so that you and your child can move on with your lives while also becoming a stronger, smarter & more confident person because of it?

But who are we? And why are we so passionate about helping women protect themselves from their narcissistic partners?

Hi, I'm Dr. Kerry McAvoy

I’m a retired psychologist with over twenty years of counseling experience and I’ve authored several books on narcissistic abuse, including Love You More, a memoir and have been featured in HuffPost, Mamamia, Your Tango, and The Good Men Project.

These days I educate about abuse dynamics on social media and co-host the popular podcast “Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse.”

Between my education and private practice, I thought I understood abuse until I married my narcissistic ex. Since surviving that toxicity I’ve become passionate about helping you reclaim your stolen peace, purpose, and power.

Image of Kerry McAvoy
Hi, I'm Lisa Sonni

As a survivor of domestic assault and narcissistic abuse, Lisa has been able to use her first-hand experience to help women overcome the challenges that stem from traumatic partnerships.

She also authored four books as well as creating several successful online courses on the subject while being a content creator.

Together with her, we’ve already helped thousands of women who were struggling with the consequences of leaving a relationship with a narcissist.

And before we go any further, we want you to understand that if you’re currently doubting your decision and starting to think that maybe you SHOULD go back to him.

You might be playing right into your ex’s hands…

And That’s What Amanda Needed To Understand If She Didn’t Want Her Ex to Exploit Her Again.

Despite going no contact with her narcissistic abuser, he found new ways to leave messages ranting and raving about ridiculous co-parenting issues. He would plead for another chance before erupting in rage.

She realized she must be doing something wrong and wanted to make sure she thwarted his next attempt 

Why? Because each time he got in touch, she felt like she had lost all her healing progress:

Her triggers worsened, the nightmares returned, and she became jumpier, imagining she saw his car around every corner.

She found it once again hard to leave the house and worried she was overwhelming her friends with the constant updates.

And then he found a new way to reach out…

(By the way this was after she had changed her phone number and email address.)

Nothing she did worked…

Her narcissistic partner’s intrusions were no longer just annoying or uncomfortable…

They were genuinely threatening her and her family’s safety, keeping Amanda up at night for days on end fearing for what might happen next.

And this is when reality started to settle in.

Amanda knew she couldn’t wait any longer. She needed to make sure that this time she permanently reduce his disruptiveness…

Which is why she came to me.

And after talking with her even for just 30 minutes I could already tell where the underlying problem was…

She said,

“Nothing I do seems to work. I can’t reason with him to make him stop. He continues to find a show up again pleading or raging. And each time it’s like I slip back to right where I started…confused, lost, and my confidence shattered.” 

How Do Narcissistic People Do that? To Put It Simply, They’re Entitled…

When you’re talking to a narcissist you have to realize that they’re not going to use logical arguments or facts…

by using certain manipulations tactics to gaslight you into thinking that you’re being crazy or you don’t know what you want-

They want to trick you into thinking that they know best

Amanda’s underlying issue was that she wasn’t able to see through her ex’s manipulation tactics, which allowed his reasoning to poison her mind and shake her confidence…

However there is a silver lining…
When you do finally become aware of these tactics and learn how to identify them…

You become pretty much immune to them.

Which is why the first thing I did in order to help Amanda was teach her about the strategies narcissistic people use on their partners & how to easily identify them…

And with this knowledge under her belt, she was finally able to permanently block her abuser’s psychological warfare once and for all.

Of course, her ex would find some strategy every now and again to try to pop back into her life…

However, because Amanda knew exactly what he was trying to do and because learning this information helped her become more confident in herself…

She easily rejected his latest co-parenting disruptions every single time. Without even causing a scene or making a big deal out of it.

In fact, she now even sometimes looks back to her past relationship with a sense of thankfulness…

Because now she loves herself and the woman she became and without going through that hellish period of her life, she probably wouldn’t have been able to learn and grow as much as she did.

Lisa and I decided to pool our resources to help YOU do the same. That’s how the New Powerful You Group Coaching Program came to be…

A 10-Week Group Coaching Program Which Will Help You To PERMANENTLY Stop Your Narcissistic Ex’s Post-Separation Abuse By Learning Their Tactics So You Can Peacefully Move On With Your Life…

And here’s exactly what you’ll learn inside “New Powerful You” so that you become someone that narcissists don’t want to mess with:

And you’ll get access to all of this…

WITHOUT having to worry about you or your child’s safety

We know how many women are scared of what might happen to them or to their children. That’s completely understandable.

Which is why we provide you with plenty of resources and information on the exact process you need to go through in order to keep you and your child safe.

WITHOUT feeling lost or alone

“New Powerful You” is a group coaching program for a very important reason…

Narcissistic people love isolating their partners from other people.

This allows their illusions to trick you into conforming to their rules.

Being in a group of survivors who understand exactly what you’re going through will prevent that from ever happening…

Because you’ll be able to get feedback & input from people who actually want what’s best for you.

The good news...

The narcissist’s hidden beliefs and behaviors only work because they are hidden, and because you’re not aware of them.

Meaning that once you gain access to the knowledge, tools, & information required in order to identify them…

They’re actually quite easy to combat.

Plus, Here Are What Past Participants Of This Program Had To Say About It:

"I have struggled with loss of hope before, and the group therapy has helped me to hold onto hope of healing, and helped me understand what happened to me, and start to rebuild my support system."

– F.

"I learned that I am not alone."

– J.

"There was a great balance between clinical discussions but also personal experiences from Kerry, Lisa and all group members. The approach helped to bring clarity and validity to my situation, and then comfort from a sense of community."

– W.

"I just felt very safe and heard in this group. It was a terrific experience."

– P.

We’ve saved you a spot! Register today and stop your Narcissistic Ex from threatening your peace in less than 10 weeks!

New Powerful you:

Learning How to Halt Post-Separation Abuse

oct 9th group

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