After Betrayal, How I Found Truth and Forgiveness


Helping the vulnerable not just survive, but thrive Writing about it has helped me break through the lies and my over-reactive defense mechanisms For the past year, I’ve been hard at work writing a traumatic story of betrayal. It’s my story — a brutal tale that began four years ago. The events are so disturbing that the … Read more

My Shocking Discovery at 58 Years Old That I Have Autism


A common undiagnosed or misdiagnosed condition for many women Almost two weeks ago, someone challenged a fundamental assumption I’d held about myself. This revelation has upended my world. Suddenly I feel wobbly, tentative, and not quite sure who I am. I’m undergoing a massive shift in self-understanding. As a licensed psychologist with over twenty years … Read more

Leaving my Sex Addict & Frida Kahlo

Sex Addict Frida Kahlo

I did what she couldn’t - and have started over without him. As I wrapped up the last chapter of my memoir on being married to a sex addict, I researched one or two final facts. I entered a few words into the search bar, and a photograph popped up. Its content startled me, making me gasp. There … Read more

Social Distancing Isn’t New to Sexual Abuse Victims

Sexual abuse VICTIMS

A closer look at our uncomfortableness with trauma stories. I recently wrote about the personal details of being sexually abused. I felt terrified as I prepared to publish the article. How would others react to reading the brutal violence I experienced? The power of social pressure to silence Most of my life, I’ve carried a deep sense … Read more

Black Friday Exclusive Deal!

Are you questioning if your relationship is toxic? Then you need this special Black Friday offer! For just $79.99 (total value $209), get the practical tools you need:

  • First Steps to Leaving a Narcissist – Online Course ($149 value)
  • Why Can’t I Just Leave? – Webinar Replay with Dr. Kristen Milstead, author of Why Can’t I Just Leave? Waking Up & Walking Out of a Pathological Love Relationship ($30 value)
  • How Could I’ve Fallen for a Dangerous Man? – Webinar Replay with Sandra L. Brown, author of Women Who Love Psychopaths and How to Spot a Dangerous Man ($30 value)

Plus, Essential Handouts:

  • Is My Partner Toxic, Dangerous, or Capable of Change? – Assessment Tool
  • Toxic Relationship Exit Strategy Checklist

This exclusive offer ends soon! Gain the insight & clarity you need at an unbeatable price!